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So many clothes and nothing to wear...

Every woman from the age of 12 to 82 has had that inevitable moment. The moment where you stand staring into your closet in dismay feeling an overwhelming sense of panic and frustration, I have nothing to wear. You could have a Carrie Bradshaw closet of goodies and still feel this way, we know she has! So what to do…

After returning home from Arizona while unpacking I realized I had a problem. I have way too many clothes. Like a ridiculous amount. Now, in my defense I will blame this on a few key factors;

  • I live in Alberta, our weather changes from day to day, it can be 30 below one day and plus 2 the next. So you basically need options for everything. Layering, long johns, heavy jackets, scarves, toques, ball caps, lighter jackets, you need it all!

  • I am a horse girl. So I keep a surplus of jeans as they tend to be my everyday uniform around the horses. I also have a ton of western button ups for competing.

  • I’ve worked a wide variety of jobs. From construction to a waitress/ bartender. Those are two very different looks. I have old stained t shirts that I don’t mind getting covered in oil or paint and a ton of black skirts and shirts for serving.

  • I was a rodeo queen for two years, I’d make dozens of appearances each year. That’s a big wardrobe.

  • I’ve been the same size since I was 13. I’ve had a lot of my clothes since junior high and high school.

So as I stared at the giant mound of clean clothes piling up on my floor realizing I didn’t have enough closet or dresser drawers to put it all away. Time for a major cleanse! But where to begin? I began searching online for blog postings and articles that would help me de-clutter and organize.

These three made the impossible seem achievable and enjoyable, so I followed suit.

I organized everything into 4 categories; Fall/Winter, Spring/ Summer, Garbage & Get Gone.

It was easier than I expected. I started with putting all of my Fall/ Winter clothes into a box. I kept my jeans out as they are a year round staple, and most of my hoodies. I packed up my winter jackets, vests, boots, sweaters, mitts, toques, scarves and long sleeve T’s . I kept count of how many items I was packing away and was left with 60 pieces. 6 Dresses, 5 Skirts, 15 tops, 15 bottoms, 10 jackets and vests and 9 pairs of boots. I figured since our seasons can run together it was easier to combine Fall and Winter (October – March) giving me a slightly larger wardrobe.

I then went through the remaining clothes and began by throwing anything ripped, stained, really ugly or worn out into a garbage bag. I had 3 black bags full when I was done. Shoes included, I had sneakers and flip flops from high school that I haven’t even looked at in at least 4 years!

Then I got brutally honest with myself and bagged anything that I haven’t worn in the last year or anything that I felt wasn’t my style anymore. I gave two garbage bags away, one to a girlfriend who was an expecting mom, she in turn gave anything she didn’t want to her cousin, also an expecting mom. They are both the same size as me and never spend money on themselves. The other bag went to salvation army. I posted my queening wardrobe on facebook and a few other items to sell. If they don’t sell by the end of the summer, they are getting donated! I need this stuff gone!!

Once I got all of that out of the house and out of sight, I looked at my remaining wardrobe with honest eyes…. What of this do I truly love? Will I ever wear it? I don’t care how cute it is, there are only so many times a year a self employed Equine Therapist can put on a skirt and heels. Let’s be real about what I kept, honestly, I’ve since made excuses to dress up and wear the outfits I love. I’m okay with that! I feel great getting dolled up and running into town for lunch with a girlfriend, or showing up to a family barbeque and not being the girl in dirty jeans, smelling like horse.

The best part? Finally parting with all of the clothes that are no longer my style, or I don’t feel great in, has made me excited to get dressed in the mornings! Even spending the day riding or working on horses, I can look cute in jeans and a t or tank top, because I only kept cute stuff that looks good on me!

When I look into my closet now, it looks like me! There are common colors and obvious trends showcasing my style. These pieces are easy to mix and match. It’s fun to look in my closet now, I even leave the door open so I get a glimpse of bright colors and pretty patterns every time I walk by! I used to feel anxiety just looking at my closet, it was like a black hole where clothes disappeared.

So now, I challenge you, clothes hoarding, unsatisfied, yogapants wearing women of society, clean out your closet and try a capsule wardrobe!


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